Isephulelo esikhulu sase-China Encoder Ring Magnet Radial Ring Magnetic Ring for Encoder of Intelligent Sweeper Robot

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Izingcaphuno ezisheshayo nezinhle, abeluleki abanolwazi ukukusiza ukuthi ukhethe umkhiqizo olungile ovumelana nakho konke okuthandayo, isikhathi esifushane sokudala, ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi ephezulu okunomthwalo wemfanelo kanye nezinsizakalo ezihlukene zokukhokha nokuthumela ngesaphulelo esikhulu I-China Encoder Ring Magnet Radial Ring Magnet Magnetic Ring for I-Encoder of Intelligent Sweeper Robot, Samukela ithuba lokwenza ibhizinisi nawe futhi sithemba ukujabulela ukunamathisela ulwazi olwengeziwe lwezinto zethu.
Izingcaphuno ezisheshayo nezihle, abeluleki abanolwazi ukukusiza ukuthi ukhethe umkhiqizo olungile ovumelana nakho konke okuthandayo, isikhathi esifushane sokudala, ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi ephezulu okunomthwalo wemfanelo kanye nezinsizakalo ezahlukahlukene zokukhokha kanye nezindaba zokuthumelaI-China Radial Ring Magnet, I-Robot Magnet, Siye saphikelela njalo ekuthuthukisweni kwezixazululo, sasebenzisa izimali ezinhle nabasebenzi ekuthuthukiseni ubuchwepheshe, futhi senza lula ukuthuthukiswa kokukhiqiza, sihlangabezane nezidingo zamathemba avela kuwo wonke amazwe nezifunda.

I-Neodymium ring magnet ibhekisela kuzibuthe we-Neodymium esimweni sendandatho. Ngezinye izikhathi futhi sikubiza ngokuthi NdFeB indandatho uzibuthe noma indandatho ezingavamile uzibuthe emhlabeni noma indandatho Neodymium uzibuthe. Uzibuthe omise okwendandatho ujwayeleke kakhulu futhi kulula ukutholakala ezimakethe zezicelo eziningi.

Ngokuvamile, ubukhulu obuqondile bukazibuthe wendandatho bungachazwa ncamashi nabo bobathathu osayizi abahlobene, njengobubanzi obungaphandle (OD noma D), ububanzi bangaphakathi (ID noma d) nobude noma ukujiya (L noma T), isibonelo OD55 x ID32 x T10 mm noma nje ngokuthi D55 x d32 x 10 mm.

Kuzibuthe wendandatho ye-Neodymium, ubuchwepheshe bokukhiqiza bunzima kakhulu noma bunezinketho eziningi kunozibuthe abamise okwebhulokhi. Yibuphi ubuchwepheshe bokukhiqiza okufanele bukhethwe buncike ezicini eziningana ezihlanganisa ubukhulu bukazibuthe wendandatho, isiqondiso samagnetization, isilinganiso se-scrap bese izindleko zokukhiqiza okungenani. Umazibuthe wendandatho ungase ube nezinhlobo ezintathu zokuqondisa kukazibuthe, unozibuthe weradially, uzibuthe we-diametrically kanye ne-axially magnetized.

Ngokombono, izici kazibuthe zayo yonke indandatho kazibuthe ye-radial zingcono kunendandatho ehlanganisiwe eyakhiwe amasegimenti ambalwa e-diametrical amagnetized in pair. Kepha ubuchwepheshe bokukhiqiza indandatho yeradial kazibuthe we-Sintered Neodymium busenezithiyo eziningi, futhi umazibuthe wendandatho ye-radial e-sintered ekukhiqizeni unemikhawulo eminingi yezidingo zokunciphisa izakhiwo, usayizi omncane, izinga eliphakeme le-scrap, inkokhelo yamathuluzi ebiza kakhulu eqala kusukela esiteji sokusampula, futhi bese kuba amanani aphezulu, njll. Ezinhlelweni eziningi, ekugcineni amakhasimende anquma ukusebenzisa amasegimenti kazibuthe wediametrical of sintered Neodymiummagnets ukuze yakha indandatho noma indandatho kazibuthe ye-Neodymium eboshwe kuphela esikhundleni salokho. Ngakho-ke imakethe yangempela yeringi ye-Sintered Neodymium magnetic radial incane kakhulu uma iqhathaniswa nendandatho evamile noma amasegimenti anozibuthe we-diametrically wezibuthe ze-Neodymium.

Uma inani le-oda lingelikhulu, ngokuvamile uzibuthe wendandatho ye-Neodymium osuselwe ngobubanzi wenziwa ngomshini usuka kubhulokhi kazibuthe enkulu engunxande kunokuba usuke kubhulokhi kazibuthe emise okufana nendandatho. Nakuba izindleko zomshini zisuka kusimo sebhulokhi ukuya kumumo wendandatho ziphezulu, izindleko zokukhiqiza zebhulokhi kazibuthe elingunxande ziphansi kakhulu kuneringithoni ene-diametrically orientated noma usilinda uzibuthe. Indandatho kazibuthe ye-Neodymium isetshenziswa kakhulu kuzipikha, odonsa odobayo, ozibuthe be-hook, omagnet abafaka ngaphambili, omagnet basebhodweni abane-borehole, njll.

Izingcaphuno ezisheshayo nezinhle, abeluleki abanolwazi ukukusiza ukuthi ukhethe umkhiqizo olungile ovumelana nakho konke okuthandayo, isikhathi esifushane sokudala, ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi ephezulu okunomthwalo wemfanelo kanye nezinsizakalo ezihlukene zokukhokha nokuthumela ngesaphulelo esikhulu I-China Encoder Ring Magnet Radial Ring Magnet Magnetic Ring for I-Encoder of Intelligent Sweeper Robot, Samukela ithuba lokwenza ibhizinisi nawe futhi sithemba ukujabulela ukunamathisela ulwazi olwengeziwe lwezinto zethu.
Isaphulelo esikhuluI-China Radial Ring Magnet, I-Robot Magnet, Siye saphikelela njalo ekuthuthukisweni kwezixazululo, sasebenzisa izimali ezinhle nabasebenzi ekuthuthukiseni ubuchwepheshe, futhi senza lula ukuthuthukiswa kokukhiqiza, sihlangabezane nezidingo zamathemba avela kuwo wonke amazwe nezifunda.

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